经管学院第七十七期案例沙龙顺利举行详情 >
案例名称: LT 公司成长之路----以小搏大的利基思维 (浏览1981次)
译名:How can LT Grow big by Targeting Small
案例作者: 郭春芳、梁福海、曹洪涛案例编号: BJTU-1038
作者单位: 行业: 电子工业
案例语种: 中文 案例类型: 描述型
适用课程: 案例入库时间: 2016-12-28
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中文关键词: 利基战略、利基营销、可持续发展
中文摘要: 本案例描述了
英文关键词:Niche Strategy, Niche Marketing, Sustainable Development
英文摘要: This case describes how LT company explore niche markets in the early days . combined with the creator of its own advantages, using a unique niche strategy, to deduct, find the market demand and their own resources, and technology together; explore the ma